Recent Photos of Schulenburg GFA, TX

Looking North

Looking North

Looking East

Looking South

Looking South

Looking West

2008 photos contributed by Charlie Pormann

May 2003 photos and text are from Tom Page, Radomes Staff

The former Schulenburg gap-filler radar site is located in farm country on a slight hill about 5 miles north of Interstate I-10 and the town of Schulenburg in eastern Texas. The building appears to be vacant.

As seen from the access road, this view shows the radar-equipment section of the building on the left (west) and the diesel-generator wing on the right (north). [looking northwest]

This view shows the radar-equipment section of the building and one radar-tower foundation / footing. [looking northeast]

This view shows the radar-equipment section of the building on the right (west) and the diesel-generator wing on the left (north). [looking southeast]

This view shows the diesel-generator wing in the foreground. [looking southwest]

This photo shows one of the three radar-tower foundations / footings; all three were still extant.

This final view shows the site from the access road. [looking northwest]