Riverhead, LI, NY Recent Photos

Looking North

Looking East

Looking South

Looking West


April 2001 photos and notes contributed by Tom Page from the "New" Tour, 2001

This JSS site is just east of the Riverhead-Speonk Road, just south of NY Rte 51.

ARSR-4 radar tower on the left, the former AN/FPS-116 height-finder radar tower on the right. The first search-radar tower, for the ARSR-3, has been removed. Photo was made though a 28-mm wide-angle lens. [Looking southeast]

The former AN/FPS-116 height-finder radar tower and radio antennas (using a normal {50-mm} lens}). [Looking southeast]

The above photo contributed by Bob Silverio

August 1997 photos contributed by Dick Constable