Recent Photos of Lewisville, OH GFA

October 2003 photos contributed by Gene McManus

The Lewisville GFA site is located about 0.8 miles south from the intersection of S.R. 78 and S.R. 145 in Lewisville, OH. It is easily seen on the left of S.R. 145, and currently hosts a communications antenna of some sort. There was nobody home at the residence where access to the site is made, so I can only speculate on the purpose. There`s a Monroe County water tower a very short distance away, so this may be a Monroe County fire/emergency radio tower.

The radar site access is through a private farm. I stopped to ask permission, but found nobody home, so... forgiveness being easier to get than permission (the junior Airmens` credo), I drove up to the building.

The comm. tower is on the opposite end of the building from the original gap-filler tower.

The waveguide & cable port thru the end wall is clearly visible at the site, but not in this photo.