Recent Photos of Jacksonville NAS, FL

2013 Looking North

Looking North

Looking North

2013 Looking East

Looking East

2013 Looking South

Looking South

Looking South

2013 Looking West

Looking West

Posted April 2004

Photo source:NAS Jacksonville photos

February 2002

contributed by George Vondette

George writes:
It wasn`t easy!! Base security arrives and I have to explain to the officer about your web site and why I`m taking photos in a restricted area. I guess it became restricted after 9/11. A second officer arrives and they escort my wife and I to the Staff Duty Office. There I have to explain your web site to the Staff Duty Officer who in turn checks with flight line security who checks with someone else. After an hour or so I`m told I can keep my film but to obtain appropriate clearance before taking flight line pictures. Thank goodness I had printed off the pictures you had sent to me and had them with me.

The officer and others involved were extremely cordial. I displayed your 1962 picture to some of the youngsters at headquarters (while waiting to be tried) and their eyes got big. I suddenly realized that they weren`t born yet in 1962. I thanked the officer for doing a good job. I bet he doesn`t hear that very often.

I tried to take this photo from where a 1962 picture had been taken but there`s too much stuff in the way some 40 years later.

The height finder tower lives on. It seems like a weather radar bubble used to be up there but then again..... The old gal looks almost new. This is actually the last photo I took as security pulled up and I thought it might be a good time to quit.

The height finder tower is to the right. The remains of the search radar tower is underneath the one-story section of the building that displays "Ground Electronics Maintenance" or something close to that. Most of the building belongs to Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility with the weather folks on the left.

An American flag flying from the top of the tower would add a nice touch!

1995 photo source: