Recent Photos of Clinton ESS, MA

Looking North

Looking South

Looking West

Fall 2003 photos & notes contributed by Mark Foster

Owners house, site access road on left.

Slab foundation of the original "L" shaped building. Now has A Frame shed on a portion of the slab.

Former radar building with new 2nd story and now home of owner.

The building with the door is a former shed on the original site. The owner said his father owned the building on the road in front of the radar site and rented apoproximately 1 acre to Mitre/Air Force for the test site. He remembers it being here about 6 years. When the site reverted back to the owner he tore down the "L" building and sold it for scrap along with the chain link fence. The foundation of the "L" building still remains and the current owner (his son) has built an "A" frame shed on part of the foundation slab. The tower foundation still exists and I have included a photo.

The current house utilizes the original power entrance and I believe the original meter socket (see photo). Your original photos show a small 4` X 4` building and that still exists but the owner has moved it about 50 feet south.

Tower Pads