You want to receive fair treatment and to give fair treatment to those who work with you.

You undoubtedly wish to feel assured that problems which arise from time to time on your job will be given the kind of consideration they deserve. Everyone wants this assurance.

Your Company is reemphasizing ways and means whereby we can understand each other better and thereby become an even stronger working team. This is being done by a free discussion of job problems, with full confidence that these discussions will in no way jeopardize your job standing.

Reflecting this is the following procedure set up and encouraged by the Company:

Each supervisor shall encourage his people to discuss freely with him any suggestions, questions, or criticisms relating to his job. In such discussions the supervisor shall give the employee a specific answer on the point at issue, or indicate his intention of obtaining an answer within a short period of time.

If the employee is not fully satisfied, the matter is to be presented to the next level manager and, if satisfaction is not achieved, to the Site Personnel Manager for final determination of a course of action.

This procedure gives you sound basis for “talking things out.” The better understanding that both employees and supervisors have of each other’s problems and responsibilities, the greater will be the respect each has for the other – and the greater the benefits for all.

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