3-Level Gap Filler Techs

Contributed by Jerry Sitzlar, MSgt, USAF Ret

I was a 3-level when I was "selected" to go to the gap-fillers to "learn all about them". I and two other 3-levels accompanied two NCOs and a Major to the sites. We arrived in New Bedford, Indiana (located equal distance to the two sites) and the next day went out to become gap-filler qualified. It was all a sham. We 3-levels got to sweep the empty buildings and clean up the compounds. There was absolutely no equipment located at either site. The floors didn`t even look as if they had ever had heavy equipment sitting on them. I can still remember the sergeants laughing about our test equipment and tools (mops and brooms). We didn`t suspect a thing. We were in a Dodge Power Wagon with a cover that was locked, and supposedly already had tools loaded in the back. We were young and dumb, but it really was a nice TDY (my first).

Snow Mtn had just changed prior to my arrival in the fall of 1962 to being a SAGE site (RADRON) so I don`t know if gap-filler data was ever used while they were a manual ACWRON. I don`t think I ever asked.