Findings of Fact, Site Location, and Information on Norway Gap Z-19A, based on information provided in US Army Corps of Engineers Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) document E05MI0145 dated 1993

Site Location

On Brier Hill, west of the Vulcan lookout tower Norway Township 39N, R29W, Dickinson County, Michigan

Site History and Findings of fact

The property formerly known as Norway Gap filler Annex Z-19A was built in 1957, declared excess to GSA in 1971 and conveyed to the original owners, who developed the site into a ski resort on Brier Mountain called the Pine Mountain Lodge. The mailing address is N3332 Pine Mountain Rd, Iron Mountain, MI 49801. Radar tower and foundation footings, ops building, and fencing were removed, with the support slab and underground storage tank being used by the current owner at the time of the 1993 report as part of the ski resort. The concrete slab serves as the floor for a vehicle maintenance shed.

Site Map and photos

Site, Vicinity, and Location maps are included in the report, along with several Xeroxed copies of photographs of current and previous structures, such as the current vehicle shed, concrete door pad from the old operations building, radar tower footings, etc.

Click Here for FUDS Photos (500KB PDF file)