Galena, AK

Contributed by Mike Bennett

This information is taken from Air Force Pamphlet AFP 34-8-6, INFORMATION ON ALASKA FOR AIR FORCE PERSONNEL AND THEIR FAMILIES, dated 26 October 1964.

5072d AB Sq., Galena. The 5072d Air Base Sq. operates the closest fighter base to Russian territory of any on American soil. Galena AFS, an advance base for the 817th Fighter Interceptor Sq., is on the Yukon River about 250 miles west of Fairbanks, and is only about 400 miles from Siberia.

Since the town of Galena, population about 200, and Campion AFS are both nearby, joint events are frequent. Photographers and fishermen will find good opportunities for bear, moose, rabbits, ducks, geese, salmon, and northern pike.