Findings of Fact, Site Location, and Information on Ellsworth Gap Filler P47A, based on information provided by US Army Corps of Engineers Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) document B07KS0195 of 1985 & 1996

Site Location

North 180 ft of the West 140 ft of the NE ¼ of Section 15, TWNSHP 14S, R8W, Ellsworth County, KS SE of where state highway 14 intersects with I-70, app 8 miles north of Ellsworth

Site History

Built by the Air Force in 1956. Declared excess in 1962, and transferred back to original owners..

Findings of Fact

The concrete building was still extant when the report was released in 1996, and was used by the current owners for the storage of farm equipment.

Site Map

A site map depicting site location is enclosed in the FUDS report.