Findings Of Fact on Brownfield GFA based on information from FUDS (Formerly Used defense Site) Report K06TX0120 dated May 1994

Site Name

Brownfield Gap Filler Annex

Site Location

App. 6 miles north of Brownfield, Terry County, TX, on a gravel access road app. 1800 feet west of State Highway 305, 1/3rd mile north of the intersection of said highway 305 and US Highway 32/380. Highway 305 runs north and south, and US Highway 32/389 runs east and west.

Site History and Findings of Fact

The U.S. Government acquired 5.56 acres between December 30, 1958 and February 27, 1959 for the purpose of developing an unmanned gap filler annex and gravel access road. The property was developed and operated as an off-site installation for Sweetwater Air Force Station until the Air Force ceased operation on or about August 1, 1960. The Air Force removed the technical operative equipment and the property was sold back to the original owners, who then demolished all aboveground structures except the concrete radar tower foundations.

Current Use of Site at time of FUDS Report

The concrete radar tower pillars are the only remaining items left from the facility, and the property is currently under cultivation for cotton farming.

Site Maps and Photographs