Annotated Aerial Photo of Monkey Mountain

Contributed by Ron Kay

Many details are lacking in this document. If you can identify any of the unidentified points, please contact Ron at the email above.

1. Height Finder AN/FPS- 6 (-90?) tower
2. Search AN/FPS-20 tower
3. Chow Hall - Nothing cooked here, brought up from Base Camp
6. Ops
7. Radio Communications
8. Road to Marine unit
9. Road to Base Camp
The road to base camp started at # 9. and wound around to # 11 and # 12 ending at # 10. Distance 4 1/2 miles.
10. Base Camp.
From # 10 to # 21 is approximately 6 or 7 miles. Go from # 10 past # 15 and # 16 over the bridge at # 19 to # 21.
11. Road to Base Camp
12. Two stationary, directional communication antennas maintained by the Marines or Army.
13. Navy Yard
14. Da Nang Bay
15. Vietnamease Civilians
16. ARVN camps
17. China Beach
18. China Beach BX
# 18 was approximately 1 mile off main road.
19. Bridge to Monkey Mountain Peninsula
20. Downtown Da Nang
21. Main Base at Da Nang
22. Marble Mountains