On 28 August 1999 Ken Taylor, Acting President, called the first meeting of the Texas Tower Association to order in Colorado Springs, Colorado. 


There is approximately $2,000 in the bank.


Bev Mendoza, Acting Secretary, has been sending out e-mail and regular mail to about 76 people in the association.


All agreed we would be using “Robert’s Rules of Order” for the meeting. 


Director Hank Henderson reviewed 2 different by-laws.  The by-laws from Korea were voted on.  Approved.


90 hats and 5 emblems were sold and the re-order pad was ready for the next ballcap order.  John Rudy was nominated as the hat-man.  Approved.


Nomination of officers: Don Abbott – President (endorsed by Bev Mendoza)

                                      Ken Taylor, V/P - nominated & seconded.

                                      Mae Farrow, Secretary - nominated & seconded.

                                      Pat Taylor, Treasurer – nominated & seconded.


The officers were nominated, seconded and congratulated.


Posts still needed: Historian, editor for a possible newsletter, researcher, and convention host.


Honorary membership was granted to Gene McMannas and Chuck Zimmaro for all the work they have done.  This, being honorary also means they have no voting rights. 



Motion was made that 2nd Vice President be stricken from the by-laws – motion was tabled. 


Motion was made and seconded for 2nd Vice President to be appointed during the next year.  (Beverly Mendoza was appointed 2nd V/P later)


Motion was made business transactions be conducted by secretary to treasurer – checks only need to be signed by treasurer since no one lives close enough for a double signature – Secretary must have paperwork for a check to be approved for the treasurer to sign and send out.


It was decided that we would be having a reunion every year for the next few years till we can get the association up and running.  A possible place to hold the reunion was discussed with the stipulation if you submitted your choice there had to be someone who volunteered to be the Convention Host to get the reunion together.  Three areas were proposed on where to hold the next reunion.   

Otis/Boston           29 votes

Virginia                 2 votes

Florida                  0 votes


Don Abbot will be the Convention Host for the Texas Tower Association Reunion for the year 2000.  More information will be coming out when the plans get more together.


At every reunion there is to be a short memorial service for those comrades lost on the towers. (Don, will this include those we lost during the year also?)


A motion was made to have area representatives to act as a Board of Directors.

Chuck Rowland – Western Region

Bruce MacIntosh – Midwest

Ron Gustivson – Mountain States

With volunteers for other areas to be appointed at a later date.


Reunion plans will be discussed at each reunion with regard to where the next reunion will be held.


The meeting was adjourned and it became an absolutely incredible weekend.  With great thanks to Ken and Pat Taylor.